All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Class Description Admin AdminController The admin controllerApp Autostrada The Autostrada entity controllerAutostradaModel The data model for an autostrada recordAutostrade Caselli Casello Handles Casello's distancesCaselloModel The data model for an casello recordClasseTariffaria Controller The base controller classCSV Database The class for the MYSQL databaseDataHandler The generic data handlerFormatter Utility class for formatting stringsGenerator Helper methods and utilitiesLogin LoginController Handles the login processModel The base class for modelsNewAutostrada The view for the Autostrada insert formNewAutostradaController Handles a new AutostradaNewCasello The view of the Casello insert formNewCaselloController Handles a new CaselloPagamenti Handles paymentsPagamento The data model for a pagamento recordPedaggio Handles feesPedaggioBase PedaggioFactory Implements the factory pattern for PedaggioPedaggioInterface Percorso Handles an itineraryUser UserController Handles the User's areaValidator Veicolo View The base class for views